Planning Services Division

The Planning Services Division is responsible for the City’s future development, maintaining and implementing the City’s 2040 General Plan, and providing information to the public about zoning, discretionary permits, and development requirements.

As part of the land use entitlement process, Division staff perform environmental review and analysis as required by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Staff reviews business licenses and building permits for confomrance with Ukiah City Code, as well as development requests submitted by public agencies. 

The Division also provides primary staff support to the Planning Commission, Zoning Administrator, Design Review Board, City Engineer, as well as the Demolition Permit Review Committee. 

Planning Inquiries

Jesse Davis, AICP

Chief Planning Manager

Katherine Schaefers

City of Ukiah - Interactive Zoning Map

Current Planning

Current planning consists of assistance to property owners, developers, and the public in matters related to the use and development of private property. Current planning staff also process land use entitlements, including Use PermitsSite Development PermitsVariances, Lot Line Adjustments, General Plan Amendments, and subdivisions of land. As part of the processing of applications for land use entitlements, Division staff perform environmental review and analysis as required by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

Long Range Planning

The primary focus of Long Range Planning is to implement the goals and strategies contained in the City’s 2040 General Plan. Long range planning also develops, implements, and assists in the creation of special programs, projects, and studies related to community development. Another important facet is collaboration with the County of Mendocino on implementation of the Ukiah Valley Area Plan.

2040 General Plan

The Ukiah 2040 General Plan is a long-range plan that guides decision-making and conveys the community’s vision for its future through the year 2040. The General Plan process began in Spring 2019, and included several community engagement events where input was solicited to help guide the future of the City. On December 7, 2022, the City Council adopted the 2040 General Plan (Resolution No. 2022-79), and certified the EIR (Resolution No. 2022-78). More information can be found on the City’s 2040 General Plan Website.

General Plan Elements

Decision-Making and Advisory Bodies

Staff provides professional planning support to the Planning Commission, City Council, Design Review Board, Zoning Administrator, City Engineer, and the Demolition Permit Review Committee.

Planning Commission

The Planning Commission is composed of five members appointed by the City Council. The Planning Commission is responsible for reviewing and deciding on major land use entitlements such as Major Use Permits, Site Development Permits, and Variances. The Planning Commission also makes recommendations to to the City Council on proposed changes to the General Plan, Zoning Code, and other land use matters.

The Planning Commission meetings are on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council chambers at the Civic Center.

Design Review Board

The Design Review Board is composed of five members appointed by the City Council. The members have various types of education and/or experience in architecture and design, landscape architecture, building contracting, urban planning, civil engineering, or a similar field. The Design Review Board is advisory to the City Council, Planning Commission, and Zoning Administrator on all Site Development Permits, Planned Developments, Precise Development Plans, and urban design.

The Design Review Board meetings are on the second Thursday of the month at 3:00 p.m. at the Civic Center.

Zoning Administrator

The Planning Director acts as the Zoning Administrator. The purpose of the Zoning Administrator is to improve efficiency and reduce the time needed to process minor discretionary land use applications, such as Use Permits, Site Development Permits, and Variances. The Zoning Administrator has the authority to refer any application to the Planning Commission for review and decision.

The Zoning Administrator meets as needed once applications are ready for public hearing. The meetings are held virtually or at the Civic Center.

City Engineer

The City Engineer is the review and approval authority for Minor Subdivisions and Lot Line Adjustments. The City Engineer meets as needed once applications are ready for public hearing. The meetings are held at the Civic Center.

Demolition Permit Review Committee

The Demolition Permit Review Committee serves in an advisory capacity to the City Council on applications to demolish structures more than 50 years of age. The Committee consists of five members appointed by the City Council, including three members of City staff.

The Committee meets as needed to review and make recommendations on demolition permit applications. Meetings are held at the Civic Center.

The options for land use depend on the location of your property and how the property is zoned. To find out your property’s zoning use the City of Ukiah Zoning Map and then review the allowances for that zoning designation within the Ukiah City Code. 

Each parcel within the Ukiah city limits has a zoning designation which determines how the property can be used and developed. The Zoning Ordinance defines all zones and establishes the uses allowed, parcel size, building setbacks, parking requirements, and other requirements. The zoning may also be found by viewing the City of Ukiah Zoning Map.

The size of the structure that can be built is determined by the development requirements for the property. The development standards are determined by the zoning district in which the property is located. The development standards typically include requirements for building height, building setbacks, parking, and landscaping. Other considerations or constraints on building size may include proximity to other buildings or structures, location of onsite easements, location in a flood zone, and setbacks from creeks or streams. 

Setbacks are determined by the zoning of the property. Setbacks are usually different for primary and accessory buildings. To obtain setback information specific to your property, call 707-463-6268. Be sure to have the property address or assessor’s parcel number. If you know the zoning of your property, setbacks can be found in the Zoning Ordinance (Division 9, Chapter 2) under the zoning district for your parcel (i.e. R1, R2, etc.).

The businesses (uses) allowed for a specific property are determined by the zoning of the property. Each zoning district identifies allowed and permitted (allowed with approval of a Use Permit) uses. The Zoning Ordinance is included as Division 9, Chapter 2 of the Ukiah City Code. The Zoning Ordinance includes definitions of specific uses. Each zoning district includes a listing of the Allowed and Permitted uses for that district. Please be aware that a business license is required prior to doing business within the city limits. Additional information on business licenses may be obtained by contacting 707-463-6215.

In order to provide a zoning clearance, an exact address and a complete description of the type of business, including any accessory uses must be provided. Planning Services Division review of the use(s) and location are necessary to determine whether the type of business is allowed for the location or if a Use Permit is required. If the business is only a change in ownership and the previous owner had a zoning clearance or use permit for the use, a simple verification of the clearance or use permit is all that is needed. For a new business, verification that the use is allowed at the proposed location is required. In some cases, approval of a use permit may be required before the use can be allowed. Home occupations also require zoning clearance.

Home occupations are accessory commercial activities or business services, conducted on the site of a detached single-family dwelling, and operated by the occupant(s) of the dwelling. Home occupations are allowed in the R1, R2, R3, and CN zoning districts and subject to specific requirements. The following businesses are not allowed as Home Occupations: auto repair or dismantling, medical or dental offices, retail sales, commercial kennels, restaurants, equipment repair involving outdoor storage of equipment, and other similar uses. The Planning Services Division has prepared a handout on Home Occupations. Home occupations also require a business license.

Banners are permitted as temporary signs on commercial property for up to 30 consecutive days and no more than 45 total days per calendar year and require application for and approval of a Temporary Banner Permit Application from the Community Development Department. A Banner Permit is $25.00 and may be issued over the counter with submittal of a completed Banner Permit Application form signed by the property owner.

The Sign Ordinance regulates signs within the City limits and includes limitations on the size, location, number, type, and lighting of signs. The Sign Ordinance prohibits certain types of signs, Prohibited Signs. The Sign Ordinance is included as Division 3, Chapter 7 of the Ukiah City Code. Information on signs may be obtained by contacting the Planning Services Division.

Prior to installation of a sign, application for and approval of a Sign Permit from the Community Development Department is required. Sign Permits require completion of a Building Permit Application and one Sign Permit Checklist for each sign. The information required to be submitted as part of the Sign Permit application is included on the Sign Permit Checklist. This information is used to determine compliance with the Sign Ordinance. The Ch 7. Art 2. §3224 of the City Code exempts certain signs from permit requirements.

By contacting Planning Services at 707-463-6268 and giving the planner your address, you can learn the zoning of your property and the regulations regarding height, setbacks, lot coverage, and design review/use permit (if applicable).

Hen chickens and rabbits are allowed with approval of a Use Permit. Division 9, Chapter 2, Article 16, Section 9182 of the Ukiah City Code includes specific requirements for minimum lot size, number of animals, and location of the pen and/or coop. Roosters, turkeys, geese and swine are not allowed in the City.

Ukiah City Code Division 9, Chapter 2, Article 16, Section 9182(C) allows one (1) beehive per lot with approval of a Use Permit.

The City has adopted Master Tree Lists for Street TreesParking Lot TreesParks Tree ListRiparian Trees List, and Residential Trees List. The Street, Parking Lot, Parks, and Riparian Master Trees Lists identify the required trees to be planted and provides a process that allows fort the planting of an alternative tree. The Residential Master Tree List is informational and identifies trees that are known to grow well in Ukiah’s climate but are not required to be planted.

A Protected Tree List and Landmark Tree List has been adopted as part of the Downtown Zoning Code and applies to the properties within the boundaries of the Code.

Street trees cannot be removed without approval from the City of Ukiah Public Works Department and may require replacement if removed. Trees required to be planted or retained as part of a development project cannot be removed without approval from the City and may require replacement if removed.

In most cases, a site map is helpful to begin a preliminary discussion regarding planning and building issues. Photos of the building and site may also be beneficial.

If you can provide the exact address, parcel number, or permit number, we can tell you if any projects are being processed or if any permits have been issued. For information contact the Community Development Department at 707-463-6268.

Possibly. This depends on the General Plan land use designation and zoning district in which the property is located (which regulate lot size and density). Contact Planning Services at 707-463-6268 and give the planner the address of the property. The planner will provide the regulations needed to determine if the property meets the minimum requirements for a subdivision.

Current Planning Reports

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