The City of Ukiah Office of Emergency Management coordinates with Ukiah Police, Ukiah Valley Fire Authority, City staff, partner agencies, businesses, and the community to prepare for, respond to, and mitigate hazards, to successfully recover from natural or man-made disasters and emergencies when they strike.

Stay Informed

Be Prepared, Plan in Advance of a Disaster

The City of Ukiah is vulnerable to both natural and man-made disasters including earthquakes, fires, and floods. As a city our most important responsibility is to protect the public and ensure that everyone is ready to respond to and recover from potential disasters. 

All residents, local employees and visitors are encouraged to take actions to improve their individual preparedness. In a major disaster, resources will be spread thin, leading to potential delays in delivering help. Citizens can equip and educate themselves in the event a disaster occurs by being prepared.


Know Your Zone


Conozca Su Zona (español)


Ukiah Evacuation Zones

Ukiah Evacuation Zones

Evacuation Zones were developed by local emergency personnel including fire, law enforcement, and the Office of Emergency Services. Evacuation zones assist in coordinating safe and efficient evacuations.

Evacuation Zones Used in Emergencies

Zones are designated 1 – 8. In the event of an emergency, residents of one or more zones may be directed to evacuate depending on the emergency. If you live in a zone that has been ordered to evacuate, Get Out! The best way to prepare for any emergency is to know your zone and plan your destination in the event of an evacuation.

Know Your Zone

In the event of an emergency event, local officials will consider threats, traffic routes, and other factors to identify and prioritize zones to be evacuated. While all zones won’t be evacuated in every event, emergency managers will work with local media, send alert notifications, and use other outreach tools to notify residents and visitors of impacted zones and evacuation instructions.

My Zone Has Been Ordered to Evacuate – Now What Do I Do?

Evacuations are only called for when the lives and safety of those in the area being evacuated are at risk. Once an evacuation has been called, gather your belongings (including your emergency supply kit) and leave as soon as possible. If time allows, secure your home by locking doors and windows. If you have your universal evacuation sign, place it in a window that can be seen by first responders. By following evacuation orders, you are protecting both yourself and first responders.

The Emergency Is Over, Can I Go Home?

Local officials will determine when it is safe to travel and return home. It’s likely that a staged re-entry process will be implemented to allow for a safe and orderly return to allow the recovery process to begin. To prepare for re-entry, ensure you have proper identification.


Evacuation Warning

You should prepare now by packing necessary items and preparing your family, pets, and vehicle for potential departure.

Remember the 6 – P’s:

  1. A Plan for the persons in your family (including a meeting place.)
  2. Personal items (including toiletries, food and water for 2-3 days, and special personal possessions.)
  3. Prescriptions – Have your full, current supply of prescriptions packed.
  4. Photographs (and other mementos) which cannot be replaced.
  5. Pets – Have a plan in place and pets secured so frightened pets don’t escape fenced yards or kennels.
  6. Papers – Pack all important papers, including reference phone numbers, account numbers, etc.

Now is the time to move persons with mobility or medical issues.

If you have livestock or large animals, please move them to a safe place now!

Please use common sense and evacuate at any time you feel uncomfortable or see active fire.

Evacuation Order or Mandatory Evacuation

Occupants of the affected area(s) are asked to leave within a specified time period, by pre-designated route(s). Perimeter roadblocks are typically established.

At this stage:

  1. You should take your family, pets, and necessary items including medications and important papers and evacuate now.
  2. Drive with your lights on, safely and SLOWLY remaining aware of your surroundings as you leave.
  3. Once, safely evacuated, check in with your local Red Cross shelter (even if you don’t intend to stay there). Check in with them to let them know where you will be in case your family is looking for you.

“Ready Together” Free Emergency Preparedness Training, June 26,2024

“Building Together” Training Sessions


North Coast Opportunities
Disaster Preparedness Training Programs
Nco Logo

Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT) North Coast Opportunities, Volunteer Network provide a training program that offers a series of classes (20 hours total) during which you’ll learn more in-depth, crucial information about fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, disaster medical operations, and more. To find out when the next training is contact North Coast Opportunities, Volunteer Network.

Stay Connected - Get Notified

Stay Connected!
Get Alerts from Local Agencies

City of Ukiah Alerts via Nixle
  • Ukiah Police Department
  • Ukiah Electric Utility
  • City of Ukiah Office of Emergency Management


MendoAlert (Everbridge) is the primary means of notification used by Mendocino County. This system allows registered users to receive emergency alerts and notifications via text message, phone calls, and email. Users can register multiple communication methods (home phone, cell phone, email, etc) and addresses to better ensure vital messages are delivered successfully. Alerts and notifications are sent to a specific geographic area and only registered users in that area are notified. For example, a resident living in Fort Bragg would not be notified of an emergency in Hopland.

Helpful Resources

Fire Hazard Severity Zones

Be Prepared for a Power Outage

Be Prepared for a Power Outage – Spanish

Emergency Preparedness: Contact and Resources

Emergency Preparedness: Contact and Resources – Spanish

Mendocino County Wildfire Mitigation Project Tracker Map


Cal Fire Ready Set Go

The geography, weather patterns and number of Wildland Urban Interface communities in California make it a state particularly threatened by devastating wildfire. To help educate property owners and residents in areas most at risk, CAL FIRE has developed a communications program called “Ready, Set, Go!” that breaks down the actions needed to be ready for wildfire.


Protecting Your Business-West Business Development Center

How to Keep Your Business Safe After a Disaster
According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), more than 40% of businesses never reopen after a natural disaster. At West Business Development Center we know the reality of this fact all too well after the fires in Mendocino and Lake Counties. To address this all important issue we have produced What to Do When Disaster Strikes Your Business program. It includes a 2 hour workshop, a 56 page workbook and 10 hours of free personalized advising to help you get organized.


Center for Disease Control and Prevention

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is the leading national public health institute of the United States. The CDC is a United States federal agency under the Department of Health and Human Services and is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia.


County of Mendocino Office of Emergency Services

The Mendocino County Office of Emergency Services (OES) is the primary local coordination agency for emergencies and disasters affecting residents, public infrastructure, and government operations in the Mendocino County Operational Area.


Mendocino County Fire Safe Council

An organization whose mission is to help the citizens of Mendocino County survive and thrive in a fire-prone environment.


Mendocino County’s Community Alert System

The Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office and Office of Emergency Services use Everbridge as their mass notification and emergency alert vendor for Mendocino County. All residents are urged to immediately register for the alert and notification system in order to receive critical emergency and life safety notifications.

Ready is a National public service campaign designed to educate and empower the American people to prepare for, respond to and mitigate emergencies, including natural and man-made disasters. The goal of the campaign is to promote preparedness through public involvement.


Red Cross Flood Preparedness

Floods are among the most frequent and costly natural disasters. Flooding often occurs following a hurricane, thawing snow, or several days of sustained rain. Flash floods occur suddenly, due to rapidly rising water along a stream or low-lying area. Learn what to do to keep your loved ones safe!


FEMA Sample Emergency Kit List

Disaster Service Workers

All Public Employees Are Disaster Service Workers

All City of Ukiah employees are designated under California Government Code Section 3100 (below) as “disaster service workers.” This means that every public employee can be required to remain at or return to work for a disaster assignment.

In a major earthquake, fire, flood or other declared emergency, some employees are assigned to work in the Emergency Operations Center or in agencies who do field response such as Police, Fire, Public Works, Utilities, Community Services and Airport. Other employees may be asked to assist with community needs such as public shelter, food and water distribution, or public information.

1.            A disaster service worker (all public employees in California) can be held over at their worksite and not released to return home until it is determined their services are or are not required in a disaster.

2.            Public employees/disaster service workers can be required to return to work in a disaster to perform disaster service activities.

3.            Public employees/disaster service workers can be required to perform different duties than they normally perform in their current job classification or asked to work extended hours to serve the public.


3100. “It is hereby declared that the protection of the health and safety and preservation of the lives and property of the people of the state from the effects of natural, manmade, or war-caused emergencies which result in conditions of disaster or in extreme peril to life, property and resources is of paramount state importance requiring the responsible efforts of power of the state in protection of its citizens and resources, all public employees are hereby declared to be disaster service workers subject to such disaster service activities as may be assigned to then by their superiors or by law.”

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