Our Mission

  • Building a future of water security for the Ukiah Valley
  • RESTORing Water Reliability & Sustainability for the Ukiah Valley
  • Modernizing our Region’s Water Supply  

Welcome to the official website of the Ukiah Valley Water Authority (UVWA). As a newly consolidated water management organization, we are committed to providing efficient and reliable water services to residents and businesses within the greater Ukiah Valley. The formation of this joint powers authority unifies the formerly independent water agencies: the City of Ukiah, Millview County Water District, Redwood Valley County Water District, and Willow County Water District, creating coordination that aims to optimize our region’s water resources. Our commitment is to modernize water infrastructure and governance while maximizing water access and resilience throughout our region.

The Ukiah Valley Water Authority will RESTORE our region’s water reliability and sustainability by providing:

Reliability Efficiency Sustainability Transparency Oversight Representation Equality


Board Members

City of Ukiah

  • Mr. Douglas Crane
  • Mr. Juan Orozco

Millview County Water District

  • Mr. Jerry Cardoza
  • Mr. Tim Prince

Redwood Valley County Water District

  • Mr. Adam Gaska
  • Mr. Tom Schoeneman


Willow County Water District

  • Gary Nevil
  • Devin Gordon

Our Governance

The JPA is governed by a Board of Directors, with two representatives from each of our member entities: the City of Ukiah, Millview County Water District, and Redwood Valley County Water District. Each board member brings a unique perspective and valuable experience, contributing to a diverse and inclusive representation of our community.

The Board of Directors holds regular public meetings to make important decisions about the management of the Upper Ukiah resources. The board’s primary focus is on ensuring the long-term sustainability of our water supply, while considering the diverse needs of our community members, local businesses, and environment.

In every decision we make, we strive for transparency and accountability. Our meetings are open to the public and we publish our meeting minutes and reports regularly. We also encourage public engagement and believe in the power of community involvement in shaping our water future.

The day-to-day operations of the JPA are managed by City of Ukiah employees, a team of experienced water management professionals who are dedicated to serving our community. With the consolidation, the former staff members of the Millview and Redwood Valley County water districts have transitioned into the City of Ukiah employment structure.

Our commitment to fiscal responsibility ensures that every dollar is invested wisely to meet the water needs of our community today and in the future. The UVWA will apply for $40-50 million in grants made available through the State Water Board’s “Safe and Affordable Funding for Equity and Resilience” (SAFER) Program. The program, as part of its mission to provide every Californian with safe drinking water, encourages the consolidation of rural and small water systems, which are typically unable to afford infrastructure upgrades or the costs associated with consolidation.

We comply with all local, state, and federal regulations related to water supply, quality, and infrastructure to protect the health of our community and our natural resources.

How to Read Your Ukiah Valley Water Authority Bill

Hover over the red numbered dots for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Regardless of the changes in administration, you will continue to receive water services with the same rights and entitlements you had before. UVWA will endeavor to ensure that all customers across its service area receive uninterrupted access to water, as required by the agreement between the agencies.

UVWA consists of the City of Ukiah (“City”), Redwood Valley County Water District (“Redwood”), Millview County Water District (“Millview”), and Willow County Water District (“Willow”) which have pooled their resources to provide reliable water services.

Your water rates will remain the same. UVWA will be responsible for water rates and related fees, effective January 1, 2025. Any water rate changes will comply with California’s Proposition 218 regulations to ensure that all rates reflect the cost of providing water services. You will be provided notice and an opportunity to review and provide input to any proposed water rate changes. All fees for services will be clearly outlined in your bill.

Many of your questions can be answered on the UVWA website. If you cannot find what you need there, then you can call the City’s Utility Customer Service group at (707)463-6715 or email the City dedicated customer service representative at uvwacs@cityofukiah.com.

Your new bill will be a full page, mailed in an envelope, and will include a payment remittance stub. The bill will show your prior balance, details on your current charges and the total amount due. Also included will be a bar chart showing your usage by month. Click here to see a sample bill with explanatory comments.

Yes. All Redwood and Millview accounts will be converted into the City’s billing system, which will result in the assignment of a new account number.  You will be assigned a new account number, which will appear on your new bill.

We offer several ways to pay your bill.

For those who mail their payment:  Please make your check payable to the City of Ukiah and mail your payment and the payment coupon to:  City of Ukiah, 300 Seminary Ave, Ukiah, CA 95482.

For those who have automatic withdrawals, or a bank bill pay arrangement established: Please log into your banking site and update the mailing address and your account number.

For those who prefer to hand deliver payment:  Your water district office and any remote bill pay locations you currently use will not accept your payment after January 1, 2025. 

The city offers two ways to make your payment in person:

  • Walk in payments: You can bring your payment to the Utility Customer Service Desk at the City of Ukiah Civic Center, located at 300 Seminary Ave, Ukiah. Please bring your bill or payment coupon. The customer service representative will post your payment and provide you a receipt
  • Drop Boxes: Payments dropped in one of the two drop boxes should be placed in an envelope along with the payment stub. If you do not provide a payment stub, please note the account number and or service address on your check or on your envelope so your payment can be properly posted. All payments will be picked up daily after 8 am and posted to accounts on the same day. The City offers two drop box locations.
    • 411 West Clay Street, Ukiah.
    • 300 Seminary Ave, Ukiah.
UVWA Drop Box Location Map

There will be no immediate changes in the water quality or service level you receive. UVWA was created to ensure reliable water service across all areas. UVWA is in the progress of applying for State funding through the SAFER program that will, over time, help our community develop a single water system that will provide improved service, reliability and drought reliance for the entire region.

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