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For roughly 60 years, the City has provided reliable sewer service to both City and Ukiah Valley Sanitation District (UVSD) customers. Through a series of participation agreements, the UVSD utilizes City of Ukiah staff and resources for engineering, compliance, maintenance, administration and operation of the collection system and Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). Throughout this period, the system was operated as a single operation with ratepayers within the City and District paying the same price for all services.

The lawsuit filed by the UVSD in October of 2013 alleges the City of Ukiah breached certain terms of the participation agreements which date back to 1955. The City has appealed to the UVSD to drop the lawsuit and utilize the resources allocated to it to continue to work through serious negotiations to address both parties’ concerns.


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UVSD Litigation Updates

(Attachments for on-going updates given by the City Manager at City Council meetings.)

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