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Dharma Realm Buddhist University Extension

The Planning Commission approved a Use Permit request from David Rounds and Wayne Chen of Dharma Realm Buddhist University (DRBU) to allow the reuse of the former Trinity School site located at 915 Church Street for an extension of the main campus located in Talmage. The project is currently in the process of applying for building permits.

The West Church Street campus has been vacant since 2009 and includes the following properties:

  • 200 Barnes Street (APN 001-214-01)
  • 200-246 Barnes Street (APN 001-214-04 / APN 001-214-09)
  • 915 West Church Street (APN 001-216-03 / APN 001-217-08)
  • 225 Hope Street (APN 001-261-01 / APN 001-262-05)

DRBU would reuse the existing buildings and site for the same uses as Trinity School, which includes classrooms, dormitories, offices, dining room, kitchen facilities, auditorium, and gymnasium, as an extension of the main campus located in Talmage. Uses associated with the university include degree program classes, extension classes, certificate programs, short-term classes, summer programs, lecture series, and academic conferences. The maximum number of students would be 160 and the maximum number of faculty and employees would be 25, for a total of 185. DRBU does not expect to achieve these numbers until 5-10 years after commencing classes. There would be 69 onsite parking spaces located in existing parking and paved areas.

The philosophy of DRBU requires students to live in peaceful harmony with neighbors and their surroundings. As such, students are expected to refrain from partying, playing loud music, wearing immodest clothing, and making public displays of affection. The proposed project includes the potential for the continued use of the gymnasium by the City of Ukiah Youth Basketball League.

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