CEQA Review|

Project Description:

The Missing Middle Ordinance Update is proposed to carry out the vision of incorporating ‘Missing Middle Housing’ found within the Ukiah 2040 General Plan. While housing and residential neighborhoods form the fabric that makes the City of Ukiah a cohesive community, finding a place to call home can sometimes be challenging. The City is not affordable for some prospective residents, and the range of housing types and sizes to accommodate varied households is limited. The domination of single-family neighborhoods and the trend towards building single-family homes geared toward higher-income earners has further contributed to the housing issues in the City.

To address the diversity of housing needed in Ukiah and meet the requirements of State law, the City of Ukiah strives for communities that are a heterogenous mix of housing types and price points. This housing, which lies between the low end of Medium Density Residential (MDR – 1-14 units/acre) and the high end of High Density Residential (HDR – 1-28 units/acre) is often referred to as “Missing Middle” housing and can include a mix of housing types including duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, cottage courts/clusters, and townhomes.

The Ukiah 2040 General Plan includes policies to support the development of Missing Middle Housing within existing Ukiah neighborhoods. In the above graphic, the two blocks were laid out to be identical relative to lot lines and existing structures, with the dwelling units shaded in white being existing dwelling units in a variety of sizes, but all being single-family detached homes. The portion of the graphic on the bottom (labeled “With Missing Middle Housing”) shows that same block with future development. The white shaded structures are those current units remaining and the gold shaded structures are new Missing Middle Housing types. Some are in addition to existing structures (“A” and “F”), one is a replacement structure on an existing lot (“C”), and two show the consolidation of two lots to create one larger lot (“B” and “D”). (City of Ukiah, 2022).

To view the full discussion, goal and policies around Missing Middle Housing, please visit the City of Ukiah’s Land Use Element from the Ukiah 2040 General Plan (pgs. 23-25). For more on the concept of ‘Missing Middle Housing’ and efforts to provide more housing and housing choices in sustainable, walkable places, please visit the Missing Middle Housing website. 

Modifications would be made primarily to Ukiah City Code Division 9, Chapter 2, Article 3, Low Density Residential (R-1) District, Article 4, Medium Density Residential (R-2) District and Article 5, High Density Residential (R-3) District to incorporate changes consistent with Ukiah 2040 General Plan’s density-related analysis and housing goals, such as reduced setback, parking and lot-size requirements; allowing a greater variety of housing types, such as ‘Dwelling Groups’ for which a stand-alone Article will be drafted; allowing limited commercial uses on a discretionary basis, as well as minor consistency updates and procedural clarifications to address known consistency. Guidelines regarding California Senate Bill 9 (2021) enacted by Government Code Section §65852.21 and §66411.7 will be incorporated into Article 3. Furthermore, this Ordinance would amend Ukiah City Code to establish updated definitions in Division 9, Chapter 2, Article 21, Definitions.

The Project is subject to CEQA and has been analyzed pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15183 (Projects Consistent with a General Plan, Community Plan, or Zoning). No specific development is proposed as part of the Missing Middle Ordinance Update.

Planning Commission Hearing (9-25-24)

City Council Hearing (10-2-24) Introduction

City Council Hearing (10-16-24) Adoption

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