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FEMA Proposes Updates to Flood Risk Maps in Mendocino County and the City of Ukiah

In 2020, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) initiated a multi-year project to revise flood maps for Mendocino County and the City of Ukiah. On August 16, 2022, FEMA shared a presentation that included preliminary Flood Risk maps. The preliminary maps identified a significantly expanded flood risk area for the City of Ukiah. On March 15, 2023, Ukiah Mayor Mari Rodin, on behalf of the City of Ukiah and Ukiah City Council, submitted an appeal of the preliminary flood maps to FEMA through Congressman Jared Huffman’s office. The City’s appeal was based on local hydraulic and hydrologic studies conducted by the City, and shared with FEMA, of the Orrs Creek, Doolin Creek, Gibson Creek, and other area tributaries.

In response to the City’s appeal, FEMA released a revised (2024) proposed flood map with minor revisions to a floodplain area in the Mendocino County unincorporated area. After submitting additional comments to FEMA on September 30, 2024, the Ukiah City Council directed the preparation of hydraulic and hydrological studies and further collaboration with FEMA. 

Flood Risk Mapping

FEMA Flood Risk Mapping requires close coordination between FEMA and local flood control agencies. FEMA utilizes local flood data, as well as their own data and analysis, to develop flood maps, also known as Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), and a Flood Insurance Study (FIS). Any properties identified with a 1% chance or higher of experiencing a flood each year are considered high risk and will be designated Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHAs).

When FEMA’s flood maps are revised, additional properties may be identified in the SFHA as compared with previous flood maps. Properties within the SFHA may be subject to more stringent building standards and/or insurance requirements. Properties identified in the SFHA with mortgages from government-backed lenders are required to have flood insurance

What Happens Next

Three of Four Phases of the Flood Risk Mapping Project have been completed. The City is preparing additional technical and scientific studies- and will share with FEMA- prior to FEMA’s release of the final flood maps.

Phase 1- FEMA Discovery: FEMA collects local flood mapping data from the City of Ukiah and FEMA’s data. COMPLETED

Phase 2- FEMA Analysis and Mapping: FEMA begins preparing preliminary flood maps. FEMA utilizes both local data collected during Discovery and their own data to prepare the preliminary flood maps. COMPLETED

Phase 3- FEMA Preliminary Flood Map Release and 90-Day Appeal and Comment Period: FEMA releases preliminary flood maps. The preliminary flood maps are shared with the community, followed by a 90-day public appeal and comment period. Property owners with supporting technical and scientific information, such as detailed hydraulic or hydrologic data, can appeal the flood risk information on the preliminary map and study during the 90-day public appeal and comment period. COMPLETED

Phase 4- FEMA Flood Maps Effective: FEMA’s final flood maps are released with an effective date. Final maps may be released at least six (6) months after release of the preliminary flood maps. IN PROGRESS

For More Information

Flood Mapping, Letters of Map Amendment/Revision, and Insurance: contact the FEMA Mapping and and Insurance eXchange (FMIX) at 1-877-336-2627, by Email at, or visit the FEMA FMIX website

Ukiah Hydrologic and Hydraulic Studies: contact Tim Eriksen, City Engineer/Public Works Director, at or 707-467-5719.   

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