CEQA Review|

Project Description:

The Project consists of repairing approximately 75 feet of stream bank on Doolin Creek to prevent damage to the supports of an existing residential deck. According to the applicant, significant storm events from the 2016-17 winter season caused the bank to erode, threatening to undermine the existing deck by exposing the deck supports. The applicant has initiated the permit process with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, US Army Corps of Engineers, Regional Water Quality Control Board, and the City in order to implement bank repair measures and prevent the deck from collapsing into the creek.

The Project would include:
  • the installation of jute netting to cover the bank during the winter to provide temporary protection
  • the installation of a bio-engineered crib wall with minor rip rap, encapsulated soil lifts, log cribbing and re-vegetation. The total area of disturbance is approximately 353 square feet, including a crib wall 45 feet in length, 4 feet in width and 6 feet in height


Construction is anticipated to take approximately two weeks


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