CEQA Review|

Project Description - Phase 4

The Great Redwood Trail – Ukiah (Phase 4) will construct a 1.9 multi-modal trail segment of the Great Redwood Trail (GRT) in south Ukiah. Once constructed, the trail will provide a walking and biking facility from the existing southern terminus of the GRT – Ukiah at Commerce Drive to existing municipal facilities at Plant Road that will be improved to feature a small parking area and trail head with seating and recreational amenities.

In addition to the safety and connectivity improvements, the trail would provide opportunities for enhanced access to the GRT, as Phase 4 would cross Airport Road and Norgard Lane, and includes the proposed construction of two (2) pedestrian access points to Panda Express and the Holiday Inn parking lots within the Redwood Business Park. 

The proposed pathway would meander within the Great Redwood Trail Agency right-of-way and consist of a 10-foot-wide asphalt concrete paved pedestrian and bicycle facility, with 2-foot-wide-gravel shoulders on either side, for a total width of 14 feet, paralleling the existing railroad tracks.

Phase 4 - CEQA Documents:

City Council Hearing Hearings

Great Redwood Trail-Ukiah Linear Park Master Plan

In June 2020, what previously had been known as “The Rail Trail” was officially designated a park by the Ukiah City Council and renamed The Great Redwood Trail – Ukiah. The Great Redwood Trail – Ukiah (GRT- Ukiah) is a unique linear park, roughly 40 to 100 feet wide. With the new designation in place, the City of Ukiah, working with Walk & Bike Mendocino, began the process of developing a Master Plan for the GRT- Ukiah, which was adopted in August 2020. .

Great Redwood Trail-Ukiah Linear Park Master Plan​

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