CEQA Review|

Project Description

The City of Ukiah is preparing the Ukiah Climate Action Plan (CAP) to address communitywide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and mitigate the impacts of climate change. As part of this process, a Negative Declaration Initial Study is being conducted to assess the potential environmental impacts of implementing the CAP. The City has committed to a 40% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030, relative to 1990 levels, in alignment with the State’s SB 32 emissions targets and CEQA guidelines for a qualified GHG emissions reduction strategy.

The purpose of the Negative Declaration Initial Study is to evaluate whether the CAP’s proposed actions—such as measures related to building energy, transportation, solid waste, water and wastewater management, and carbon sequestration—could result in significant environmental impacts. If the study determines that the CAP’s implementation would not cause any significant adverse effects on the environment, a Negative Declaration will be issued, confirming that further environmental review is not necessary.

This process ensures that the Ukiah Climate Action Plan is developed with careful consideration of both environmental sustainability and legal requirements. By conducting a thorough analysis early in the planning process, the City of Ukiah is demonstrating its commitment to reducing emissions, promoting climate resilience, and fostering responsible environmental stewardship while meeting its emissions reduction goals.

Public Review

The Ukiah Climate Action Plan (CAP) Negative Declaration Initial Study is available for public review from February 27, 2025, through March 28, 2025. The document can be accessed through the CEQA State Clearinghouse website (CEQANET, SCH# 2025021036).

In addition, the Negative Declaration Initial Study and public notice can be reviewed here:

Comments on the document may be submitted to Katherine Schaefers, Planning Manager, at kschaefers@cityofukiah.com

City Council Hearing (TBA)

The CAP Negative Declaration Initial Study will be presented to the City Council in a public hearing, alongside the Draft Climate Action Plan, in April 2025. Please check this page for updates on the exact date and further details.

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