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Main, Perkins, and Gobbi Streets

Main Street

Main Street is the key north-south arterial corridor that connects Gobbi Street and Perkins Street within the UCRT. The limits of this street are from Gobbi Street to Perkins Street, and continues north to Norton Street. This section of the UCRT includes upgraded water and sewer utilities, new bike lanes that currently do not exist, upgraded connections to both Perkins Street and Gobbi Street, and reconstruction of all asphalt facilities. As mentioned before, a new traffic signal will be installed at the intersection of Gobbi Street and Main Street. Specifically, the upgrades to Main Street of the UCRT Project will serve City facilities, low-income housing, the community’s historic Grace Hudson Museum, the County Library, and secondary connection to both the new Courthouse and our community hospital.

Perkins Street

Perkins Street is a key east-west arterial corridor that connects Highway 101 with the core of the City’s downtown at State Street. The project limits of this street are from Main Street to Highway 101. The improvements to this segment are centered around the Perkins Street and Orchard Avenue intersection, adjacent to the Highway 101 interchange. The is also the area of the most significant landscaping additions. The enhancements are to support a new vehicle lane through the Perkins Street and Orchard Avenue intersection. This has been identified as an area where vehicle queues exceed the State’s standard recommendations for idling vehicles. This issue will be eliminated with this project and greatly decrease greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, the second lane facilitates egress from the City, which would be especially important in the event of an evacuation. The other elements include: construction of and widening of new sections of sidewalk, installation of new, and improvements of existing storm drain utility, street light relocation, and traffic signal updates and relocation. Key features to these improvements are to provide access to the Great Redwood Trail, eliminate greenhouse gases, and encourage multimodal transportation.

Gobbi Street

Gobbi Street is a critical east-west arterial corridor that connects Highway 101 with the southern end of the City’s downtown corridor. The limits of this street are from Dora Street to Highway 101. Key features to these improvements are the upgrade to bike lanes that will include six-foot widths with buffered limit lines between the bike lane and travel lane. There are areas along this corridor that are missing sidewalk; all sidewalk gaps are proposed to be constructed as part of this project. This portion also includes a new traffic signal, to improve circulation and reduce idling, replacement of water and sewer utilities, reconstruction of all asphalt facilities, and upgraded connections to the Great Redwood Trail (GRT). Specifically, the upgrades to the Gobbi Street portion of the UCRT Project will serve three elementary schools, the Post Office, three different senior housing facilities, several low-income housing facilities, and serves as a connection to two significant commercial shopping areas as well as major employment centers.

Project Scope and Typical Sequence of Events

The Ukiah Urban Core Rehabilitation and Transportation project (UCRT) includes Main, Perkins, and Gobbi Streets. The project will enhance multimodal transportation in the City of Ukiah’s urban core by creating eighty-four (84) ADA ramps, installing or upgrading 2.9 miles of bike lanes, 4.8 lane miles of roadway, and a traffic signal. This project will also enhance the utilities: water, sewer, and storm water for the residents and the commercial users.

Project Status (as of December 2024)

  • Sewer main and laterals have been replaced on Main Street
  • Water and sewer mains and laterals have been replaced on Gobbi Street
  • ADA ramps have been upgraded on West Gobbi Street
  • Some ADA ramps have been upgraded on East Gobbi Street
  • Most ADA ramps have been upgraded on Perkins Street


Remaining Work Pending (estimated completion: Summer 2025)

  • Completion of water line replacement on Main Street
  • Completion of concrete work (sidewalk repairs, ADA ramps, etc.) on Main, Gobbi, and Perkins
  • Addition of traffic signal at Main and Gobbi Streets
  • Addition of storm drains on Perkins Street
  • Reconstructing/repaving all of Gobbi, Main, and Perkins


Most recent construction update (March 10, 2025)

Heads Up! Spring is here and construction activity will be increasing with the Urban Core Transportation Project – paving and new water infrastructure will cause traffic impacts.

Main Street: Water line connections along Main Street are nearly complete. This work is anticipated to take another 1-2 weeks. Once this phase is finished, concrete crews will begin work on ADA ramp and sidewalk construction on Main Street, as weather conditions allow.

East Gobbi Street: Following the completion of the water connections on Main Street, the utility construction crew will return to East Gobbi Street to begin installing a new water main between Orchard and Main Street, a process expected to take 4-6 weeks. This work was not originally included in the project’s initial design several years ago. However, due to multiple significant failures in the system during construction, it became clear that replacing the water main was necessary. Therefore, City staff worked diligently to secure funding and adjust the project schedule to incorporate this work now, rather than delaying it and potentially needing to tear up newly-paved streets in the near future. We appreciate your patience as we complete these critical infrastructure improvements.

This work will impact traffic, residents, and businesses once again on Gobbi Street in the area between Main Street and Orchard Avenue, causing lane closures and, at times, full block closures as the work progresses on Gobbi. During this work, residents, emergency, and delivery vehicles will be provided access at all times. 

Paving Scheduled for West Gobbi Street

We’re excited to share that paving on West Gobbi Street has been scheduled for the first week of April!

Crews will begin by grinding and removing the existing asphalt, followed by grading and paving the initial layers. While the final layer of asphalt will not be completed until later this summer, along with the paving of the rest of the project, the surface will be smooth—no more potholes and uneven patches!

To complete this work, Gobbi Street between State Street and Dora Street will be fully closed to all traffic, driveways, and on-street parking during work hours7AM – 5:30 PM  Thursday, April 3rd – Friday, April 4thThe street will reopen in the evenings. Residents will need to move their vehicles before 7:00 AM each day during this closure period.

Look Ahead:

Additional components of the project not yet scheduled are:

  • Water tie-ins on Main Street
  • Paving on East and West Gobbi Street
  • Traffic Signal install at Gobbi/Main St.
  • Paving on Main Street
  • Storm drain, curb work, and paving on Perkins Street

We appreciate the community’s patience while we work to complete this important infrastructure project.  


  • New sewer lines
  • New water lines (where needed)
  • New storm drains
  • New sidewalks (where missing and/or damaged)
  • New ADA-compliant curb ramps (corners)
  • Enhanced pedestrian crossings
  • New pavement and striping

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Where and when will the work begin?

The project began in April 2024 on Main Street. After the sewer infrastructure was replaced, construction moved to Gobbi Street.  Due to the multiple facets of this project (utilities, sidewalks, pavement, etc.), as well as weather and school schedules, work is expected to move around between the three streets. To receive updated information about the status and location of construction, please click the green “Subscribe For Updates” button near the top of this page.

How is this project being funded?

Funding for this project comes from a variety of sources, including Measure Y (streets sales tax), CalTrans’ Local Partnership Program, and utility (water and wastewater) funds.

Does the project include roundabouts?

No. The feasibility for roundabouts on Gobbi and Perkins is being studied, however, implementation of roundabouts—if warranted—will occur as part of a later project.

For specific information contact Deputy City Manager Shannon Riley at

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