CEQA Review|

Project Request

This Project proposes to Rezone the existing parcel from R-1 (Low-Density Residential) to Community Commercial (C-1) to allow for tenant improvements to the existing structure for use as a ‘Professional Office’. The request also requires that a General Plan Amendment be facilitated to alter the existing land use designation from Low-Density Residential (LDR) to CommunityCommercial (CC). This project is requested because the Applicant desires to undertake tenantimprovements to the existing structure and lease the existing structure for use as a ‘Professional Office’, which is not allowed under the present R-1 designation. As defined in Ukiah City Code a ‘Professional Office’ is considered the provision of professional or technical services including accounting, counseling, architecture, design, medical/dental, engineering, law, management, and similar professions.



The Project site was originally developed for ‘Religious Assembly’ in 1967 (Permit # 764). The existing structure was also constructed in 1967, and underwent expansion in 1976, pursuant to Architectural Review (#77-12), adding approximately 224 sq. ft. to accommodate supplementary bathroom and library facilities.

Between 1967 and 1999, the property continued to serve as a place of religious congregation for the Jehovah’s Witnesses of Ukiah, hosting regular services and events. During this period, the structure underwent several minor repairs and renovations to ensure the continued functionality and usability of the structure.

It is noteworthy that although the subject parcel was zoned as R-3 (High Density Residential) when it was constructed, records indicate that between 1977 and 1995 a downzoning to R-1 (Low- Density Residential) occurred, presumably coinciding with one of the City’s General Plan Updates or area rezones during that time period. This zoning modification constrained the permissible uses of the property, aligning it more closely with residential districts to the north, which are primarily characterized by single-family dwellings, as opposed to the commercial uses to the east. The R-1 zoning district generally discourages commercial development, uses and improvements, but does allow for ‘Religious Assembly’ as a permitted use. The use of the property for ‘Religious Assembly’ was considered a ‘Legal Non-Conforming Use’ as no discretionary permit has been identified for that request and it was approved prior to the application of the R-1 zoning district.

To develop a new religious facility on a separate property, the property was sold by the Jehovah’s Witnesses of Ukiah in 1999. Later that year, Minor Use Permit No. 99-27, submitted by Lee Enemark on behalf of Kevin Lanteigne, was sought to repurpose the existing 2,475 square foot structure into a mortuary. Originally proposed as a comprehensive mortuary facility with embalming and body storage capabilities, the project underwent revisions prior to approval, limiting operations exclusively to funeral activities and memorial services. The Minor Use Permit facilitated the internal conversion of the church into a mortuary, without necessitating major external alterations to the structure or the property itself. Approval of the Use Permit was granted by the Planning Commission under a Director’s Determination, citing the operational similarities between mortuary activities and permitted uses in the R-1 zone, such as ‘Religious Assembly’.

The occupancy conversion of the existing structure was completed in October 1999 (Permit #10034), and the facility operated for a number of years. Commercial activities on the property, including the sale of associated materials and items was restricted, but the mortuary did function as a commercial business, and was licensed by the City.

Per associated utility records, use of the structure as a mortuary lasted until 2008. Around that time the property reverted to use for ‘Religious Assembly’. In 2018, renovation and remodeling (Permits #4383 & 3240) were issued. These improvements included interior modifications, installation of an ADA-compliant ramp, and upgrading the structure’s HVAC system.

Planning Commission Hearing (08-14-2024)

City Council Hearing (09-04-2024)

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