Prior to the beginning of and throughout the duration of any work, contract, permit, facility rental/lease, event or use of property with the City of Ukiah, the person, contractor, group or organization must provide and maintain insurance and endorsements in accordance with all requirements as set forth in the signed agreement with the City.

The Risk Management Division reviews all Certificates of Insurance and Endorsements for all contracts of the City of Ukiah.  These may include:

  • Agreements or Contracts with the City of Ukiah (see requirements below)
  • Use of City Facilities
  • Encroachment, Transportation & Building Permits
  • Special Event Permits

The insurance requirements are specific requirements based upon the scope of work being performed on behalf of the City. The requirements listed on this page are the minimum requirements of the City of Ukiah.  Specific projects can and will have higher limits based on the risk.


Insurance Requirements – $1 Million Limit

Insurance Requirements – $2 Million Limit

Samples Insurance Forms
(See Contract or Permit Requirements for specified forms)

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