The City welcomes public input from tree lovers and advocates. Citizens interested in commenting or contributing should reach out to the Public Spaces Commission. Link to


The Public Spaces Commission PSC consists of up to seven (7) at large members who may reside within the City limits or outside the City limits but within the Ukiah Valley; provided, that a majority of the seven (7) Commission members must reside within the City limits. All members of the Commission shall be appointed by the City Council.


The Public Spaces Commission provides advice and recommendations to Council regarding

1) City-owned properties that are open to the public, free of charge, such as parks, paths, and public right-of-ways;

2) creeks within the City limits;

3) open spaces within and outside of the City limits that are undeveloped and conserved or in consideration of future conservation;

4) and the recreational uses of these spaces. In addition, the Public Spaces Commission shall have the power and duty to:

  • A) Solicit, collate, and analyze public input on the wise use of public spaces.
  • B) Provide recommendations and advice to both City staff and the City Council based on said public input.
  • C) If deemed necessary by the Commission, form working groups in collaboration with City staff to explore and formulate advice or recommendations on specific areas regarding the wise use of public spaces.
  • D) Commission activities related to solicitation, review, and analysis of public input shall be guided by the Community Outreach Plan. The Commission shall prepare and annually update a Community Outreach Plan to be approved by City Council. The Community Outreach plan will guide the methodology, scheduling, and tracking of the Commission’s community engagement.
  • E) The Commission shall hold at least six (6) regular meetings per year as scheduled and noticed in compliance with the annually updated Community Outreach Plan. It shall adopt rules for the transaction of business which shall be included in the Community Outreach Plan.
  • F) The Commission shall keep a record of its transactions, findings, recommendations, and any other action item, which record shall be a public record.

The Adopt-A-Tree Fund donations can be in any amount and all donations help the City of Ukiah improve our urban forest. All donations are placed in a protected (designated) fund that can only be used for projects that improve our urban forest by planting and caring for trees.


While all donations are appreciated:

  • $250 level will be acknowledged with a certificate
  • $500 level will be acknowledged with a custom “leaf” on our Todd Grove Park Memorial Tree Program wall
  • $1000 level will have prime placement of the custom leaf on the “tree” portion of the wall

Donations are held in a fund until City staff needs to plant a tree or trees in one of our parks, open spaces, or streets. Unfortunately, we are not able to designate your tree fund donation for a particular tree or park. We can, however, mail a copy of a special certificate to an individual to let them know of your donation.


For more information, please contact Araceli at. or (707) 463-6231

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